Monday, July 15, 2013

Recoletta and Nachos

 We spent an afternoon at the Recoletta "Please Touch" museum.  The kids loved it, though I must say I like the Children's museum at Abasto Shopping center better.  This museum was similar to the Exploratorium in San Francisco, but honestly, you can't compare. Outside of the museum is beautiful - which is where the pictures below were taken.

We noticed a Hard Rock Cafe next door and if you know me, you know I hate cheese ball restaurants, and am especially not a fan of chain restaurants. But, in a place where nachos are few and far between, Hard Rock Cafe nachos are a win.  Especially in Dave's book.  We enjoyed the nachos and a few other American culinary delights like wings, potato skins, onion rings.  Only the best.  It was actually super fun though :)


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