Sunday, July 14, 2013

Buenos Aires Playgrounds

 We spend a lot of time at Buenos Aires playgrounds.  They are definitely different from US playgrounds - real see-saws, wooden slides, oil barrels to ride - but still they are fun.  Mostly Arlo pinpoints the kid with the ball in the playground and tries to go play with it.

This playground is located right next to the Botanical Gardens.  We spent a good amount of time here, followed by a nice stroll through the gardens admiring all the cute cats!  Ava and Arlo love cats, so they were in heaven.  They are very unique because even though they are living in a park, they are the cute, well-fed, and not scruffy looking at all.  Though, beware - even though they look nice and cuddly, they are known to scratch. Dave was scratched by one and was Pam.

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