Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ava's Artwork

Ava took a fantastic art class in Bangkok - we captured some of the best paintings, because with our limited luggage, we had to leave them behind.

Keeping us in line

 I have to admit, one of the best things about living in Bangkok is that we had so  much more free time to hang out with the kids...because of these two. Kalayar and Ma-Oon.  Kalayar was Arlo's nanny, but also worked her bum off doing laundry, ironing everything we own and cleaning the house from top to bottom.  Ma-Oon came 3 days a week and cleaned from the top to bottom as well, and did our grocery shopping AND cooked us amazing meals.  To top it off, they were the sweetest women and our family loved them. We were super super spoiled.  It was nice while it back to reality.

Our Bangkok neighborhood

Our Bangkok neighborhood from above

Monday, March 10, 2014

Phuket with Friends!

 We were so lucky to be able to meet up with Mark, Brigette and Dailey in Phuket between Christmas and New Years this year.  We spent a relaxing 5 days on the beach with them, and even did a little excursion to the big Buddha and Wat Schalong temple.  Ava was thrilled to have an old playmate around (and they got along so well the entire time!) and we were happy to have friends to hang out with, which seems like a little thing, but something we have missed so much over the past 15 months. Thanks to Brigette who took all the pictures because we forgot our camera at home!

Always connected.

I am not sure what is coming out of her dress...

Best drink of the trip ;)