Friday, February 24, 2012

Fun at Playland at the Conservatory of Flowers

We visited the Conservatory of Flowers to see the Playland exhibit.  It is so interesting to see the glory that Ocean Beach once was.  Here are some relics from the past!

Arlo doing what he does best

Hanging around the house!

Ava at Crissy Field

On another horrible winter day in San Francisco, we paid a visit to the Crissy Field so Ava could play in the sand.  Her school was closed because of a stomach flu outbreak!  Good thing she didn't get it - she had much more fun!

Arlo at 2 months!

Ava at Gymnastics

Ava has been taking gymnastics for a few months now and is quite the gymnast.  For real, I think this could be her calling.  Her body type is perfect for gymnastics and she is used as the example in her class all the time because she can flip around like no other.  I think we are going to encourage her for a while so she can become a star and get a college scholarship. Stay tuned for 14 more years....