Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Melbourne visit

 We went down to Melbourne for a long weekend to visit Dan, Ame and Auley.  It is SUCH a cool city - great food, coffee, people, things to do.  I love it. I could certainly live there.  And it was amazing to catch up with one of my favorite people in the world, Dan. We went to an awesome little animal park together where they had a great cafe, The Farm Cafe, that I want to copy and paste in CA. We spent all day together and went out to dinner with Dan at night. We also got to see their cute house and amazing vegetable garden surrounding it. Inspiration for us to create some great veggie spaces. We happened to be there during the Comedy Festival too, so we got to see several outdoor shows. Super fun!

P.S. Arlo looks severely abused in these photos - I swear he isn't.  He had several falls this week and looked horrible!

The Farm Cafe

If only Arlo wasn't making a bad face...this could have been such a perfect picture!

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